Four Types of IoT-Based Environmental Monitoring

One of the most beneficial IoT applications today is definitely environmental monitoring. Environmental monitoring involves various tools to assess environmental conditions and trends. It helps to characterize the environment quality and establish parameters to quantify the impact an activity bears on the environment accurately. Environmental monitoring aims at supporting policy development and implementation.

The ability of IoT to connect virtually unlimited devices over the internet enables it to log measurements from locations across the world. It helps visualize and gather data from any device connected to the Internet. Hence, the IoT system can overcome the issues of integration and interoperability. It provides a systematized architecture to simplify data transmission from sensors with different measurement capabilities and helps increase supervisory efficiency. Thus, the embedded sensors/devices help monitor the environment remotely and gain insights to boost decision-making.

IoT-based environmental monitoring approach should include the following mechanisms to:

  • Monitor the environment.
  • Measure the collected data.
  • Catalog the data, and
  • Provide actionable insights based on data analysis.

Due to the increase in urbanization, organizations must address the growing concern for environmental stability and sustainability. IoT technology is helping to leverage measures to mitigate environment-related problems. It uses advanced sensor devices to identify the presence of pollutants in water, air, and soil and take appropriate steps to promote better sustainability. These intelligent environmental monitoring solutions will help you keep the premise safer and cleaner. IoT deploys a data-driven approach to leverage actionable insights and predictive outcomes. The system’s efficiency in monitoring, measuring, and cataloging data will allow you to boost decision-making.

IoT-based environmental monitoring can be divided into different categories:

  • Water quality monitoring: Water is an essential resource and demands constant monitoring to conserve it effectively. IoT technology helps deploy the sensors in various environments to monitor them in real-time. It enables you to measure its pH levels, oxygen levels, and other components, such as the presence of contaminants.  
  • Air quality monitoring: Air quality must be healthy and pure for breathing. The presence of certain particles beyond permissible levels can lead to health issues. IoT-based environmental monitoring solutions help determine the particulate matter in the air, and sensor devices help capture the data. The captured data is transferred to a cloud platform, processed, and rendered helpful for end-use. IoT system helps in real-time air monitoring.
  • Energy monitoring: IoT-based monitoring solutions leverages cost savings for energy consumption and help maximize worker productivity. The sensors gather data about energy consumption patterns and help to optimize energy use. An IoT-powered solution facilitates remotely controlled energy use to conserve resources.
  • Toxic Gas Detection: IoT-based environmental monitoring solution help observe remote control on our surroundings. The exposure to harmful gases is higher in enclosed spaces, impacting human lives and infrastructural costs. Pre-detection of these gases will help in reducing or eliminating any adverse effects. The sensors help in automating and identifying the presence of gases in real-time.

To Conclude:

Environment monitoring needs time to ensure a safe and healthy life. An IoT-based environmental monitoring solution that uses autonomous wireless sensor nodes, small wireless receivers connected to the Internet, and a cloud architecture help remotely monitor the environment to gather insights and boost the decision-making process.